
The Electric Company is my first band. I play the drumset. The Electric Company gigs include The Beanery and The Battle of the Bands @ FHS. The Electric Company plays many cover songs: Sweet Home Alabama, Birthday, It's the end of the World as We Know it, Summertime Blues.
Young Mr. Butterfly.
Plaid is my later teenage band. Plaid is my all member Fairfield Prep band and jams the scene with professional band gigs from 1991 to 1993. I am 17 and Plaid makes a first booking at Giovanni's. Plaid plugs for the booking on a 'live on the air' band interview on the Fairfield University Radio. I am Plaid's Singer: frontman, vocals and lyrical songwriter. By writing our own music, Plaid shows tremendous strength as a very musically creative band. Plaid practices so much that our band creates music right there at practice, recording often and musically inspiring each other at every practice. Plaid also covers songs: Heartbreaker and No Quarter formerly by Led Zeppelin, No Rain once Blind Melon's 'great escape' anthem and Plush the Stone Temple Pilots hair dying teenage mania cool new trend and freedom tune. By live recordings of our own shows, Plaid makes a cassette: Plaid, Studio Daze.
I play the drumset in the SCSU jazz band, 2000. In 2000, I play at ten performances in the SCSU Pep Band at SCSU football games. I play drumset in one performance in the SCSU jazz band at an Alumni Dinner, Gimmie Some Lovin' (Steve and Muffy Winwood). I also play percussion at one performance of the SCSU jazz band fundraisor for a trip to England and France with the SCSU jazz band.
Ronnie The Band is the very beginning and first name of my band Chain. I sing and play the guitar. I have 40 songs written. I'm working on 27 songs for an anthology. I am jamming six songs regularly. After completing 138 live performances, Ronnie The Band changes the name to Sky Chain. At the 151st live performance, Ronnie in fact Chain changes the band name to Chain. I have 169 live performances complete for 2001. In one year, 1.01 to 1.02, I complete 180 live performances. I make copyrights of 16 songs and another copyright for 1 song. I make my own tape, Ronnie The Band, and I've been recording every jam. August 28, 2001, I submit a new tape of nine songs with full color artwork to a talent agency. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the chance of having my music funded. I revise and make additional artwork on my pre CD tape available by myself. I play open mic and I play with many musicians. I make graphic design work for a collection of my own recordings, 125 audio cassette recordings of different performances. I am making a 12 song CD titled Ronnie The Band, Found My Salt Upon The Earth A Fire's Hearth A Fire's Hearth.
Sky Chain is the second name of my band present on 11.18.01 at the 138th live performance. Sky Chain is consolidating Ronnie The Band and Sky Chain.
Chain! 12.10.01, I am a found musician, I get an offer to record and I'm ready te Rock 'n Roll. 3.18.02, I record Gette Amour with my producer. While 'signing' to record my music, I rename Sky Chain to Chain with 151 live performances on 12.13.01. 3.18.02, Gette Amour is digitally recorded and made onto scratch tape in the studio. I make only one change, the title to Sky Chain now Chain's 1st CD: Found My Salt Upon The Earth A Fire's Hearth A Fire's Hearth to Fire's Hearth. On 3.29.02, I get my chance to perform my first 'gig' as the scheduled band to the bar didn't show and I got asked to perform. Chain performs 10 songs @ Skybox, acoustic guitars, candles and loud. Chain is changing back Chain's first planned CD title from Fire's Hearth to Found My Salt Upon The Earth A Fire's Hearth A Fire's Hearth. 4.09.02 and 4.23.02 CD burning of Chain's live performances @ The Acoustic Cafe of Symbiotic and Son for Found My Salt Upon The Earth A Fire's Hearth A Fire's Hearth, Chain's 1st CD. Starting as Ronnie The Band, I rename my band to Sky Chain, and soon there after, I rename my band to Chain. I'm currently working on Gette Amour in the studio. The song Gette Amour is now becoming a 3 year old song! Happy Birthday in September Gette Amour, Chain. On 8.31.02, Steady Love is made the new title for the previously named song Gette Amour. New songs in plans for 1st CD: Chain, Found My Salt Upon The Earth A Fire's Hearth A Fire's Hearth, River Shine Motel, Tomato Picking Blues and The Cross I Wear. On 10.09.02, I retitle my first CD to Chain, So I Found My Salt Upon The Earth Just Like A Fire's Hearth. At the same time my retitle, I set my controls for my one CD in the studio. One night, I performed Steady Love, Chain @ The Acoustic Cafe and I got an offer for a Monday gig at a bigtime joint (up when scheduled), I'm recording my demo CD and that gigs in the making. After I made my new demo tape I brought it to my performances places and The Acoustic Cafe is now playing it for a walk in. 11.03.02, I perform Watch Out, Steady Love, I've Realized and Measure The Earth while being recorded@Widow Brown's Cafe and made onto CD. The Songs that have been planned for the CD have been worked on again, it's on the Chainology page. Now, I have in the making one demo CD, I have one demo tape and one tape. I am continuing with the same musical work on one anthology: Chain, So I Found My Salt Upon The Earth Just Like A Fire's Hearth. Up to date, I complete 271 performances.